Tiny Devotional for Sunday, 04-14-2024
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family who might drop by, donuts and beans!
But its end is the way of death.
Proverbs 14:12, NASB
Have you ever been a schemer, or a dreamer? If you haven't been one, have you ever been involved with one? Schemers and dreamers always have a way that seems right to them. It always involves some fabulous pay-off that is coming pretty soon, now. And you can join in! All it will take is (everything you've got) just a small investment, and before you know it, the money is ROLLING in!
Now, the difference between schemer/dreamer and the con man is that schemer/dreamers really DO believe that this time, their plans are going to succeed. The con man knows their scheme is bogus, and is only intended to separate you from your money and whatever other resources you might have access to.
But, the end result is the same: broken promises, and broken dreams. At least with the schemer/dreamer, you might have someone to share your misery, for a bit; at least, until the next fool-proof scheme comes along.
At some point, it's my belief that the schemer/dreamer crosses the line, and no longer believes that their schemes are going to work. That's when they become full-fledged con men. It's hard to tell the difference; in fact, the ONLY thing keeping the schemer/dreamer from being a con man is lack of age and experience. If they are particularly young, they may not realize their plans are futility.
Don't get involved with either; you'll end up broke and broken. If it seems to good to be true, it ain't true.
Peace be on your household.
That's right my Brother Pat, if it seems to good to be true, then it ain't true.