Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 04-25-2024
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family who might drop by, today is physical day.
Is a faithful messenger to those who send him,
For he refreshes the soul of his masters.
Proverbs 25:13, NASB
This verse is an analogy: it compares the cold of snow with a faithful messenger, and it's intended to show how refreshing a faithful messenger is. For that to work as intended, the reader has to be familiar with snow at harvest time. The closest I've ever gotten to harvest is cutting the grass, and it rarely snows here in the foothills north of Atlanta. I do understand the benefits of a faithful messenger, though, so my learning is about harvest snow. And, after processing the verse, Farmer Jacob of 900 BC and I both understand the same thing; he learned that Part B, and I learned that Part A, are both soul refreshers.
Did the scribes who transcribed Solomon's wisdom all those centuries ago consider that a day might come when a reader would be as ignorant of harvest conditions as I am? I doubt it.
But, that's a vital aspect of the scriptures, especially Proverbs: they have a power to teach beyond what was intended. That's good, because while the conditions people live in can change, His truth endures. In another example, the writers of the Bible lived in a time when sacrifices were a part of their worship, and the Temple was the center of their practices. We have neither; but we CAN have what those things foretold, which is a heart of worship, responding to God's sacrificial love for us.
May this message refresh your soul.
Peace be on your household.
ReplyDeleteThis message indeed refreshed my soul.
Yes, a faithful messenger, refreshes a lot. Glory to God. Amen my Brother Pat