Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 04-09-2024
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family who might drop by, bring your own breakfast today.
And to him who lacks understanding she says,
“Stolen water is sweet;
And bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”
Proverbs 9:16-17, NASB
This is Folly speaking, but you can't tell that from her greeting. In fact. EXACTLY the same words are used by Wisdom in verse 4. Not similar; exactly the same. It's what follows after the greeting that sets them apart; in verse 5, Wisdom says 'come eat my food, and drink my wine,' while Folly says 'let's go steal some water and bread.'
Note this: even if you disregard the illegality of stealing, what Folly offers is inferior to what Wisdom offers. All Folly has is bread and water, which is appropriate, because that's prison rations. Folly has to dress it up, essentially running an advertisement for it: 'Bread and water, sweet and pleasant, because it's stolen!' It sounds like some perverse ad for breakfast cereal.
Wisdom doesn't have to offer similar persuasion for what she offers; there's no subtle persuasion to her words. But, remember: the invitations are identical. So, how is a poor naive person to know? To get that answer, I had to ask the question:
Why are you still hungry?
After all, Wisdom offered first. If you answered HER call, you'd be fed and had your thirst quenched. Why are you still looking for food?
I think it's because you forgot the part that goes before, the instruction of the parents, to seek the good stuff to satisfy your hunger and thirst.
We ARE teaching that, aren't we, fellow parents?
Peace be on your household.
Yesss Sirrr👍❤️, indeed, teaching the right thing. Seek wisdom in order not to be folly. Praise God my Brother Pat!