Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 04-23-2024

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family who might drop by, I think we have bran flakes.

Listen to your father who begot you,
And do not despise your mother when she is old.

Proverbs 23:22, NASB

There's an assumption in this verse that might not be totally relevant in 2024, which is that the father who begot the child is still involved in the adult child's life. Because we do NOT want modern culture (the world), our personal desires (the flesh) and evil influences (the devil) to drown out what God would say to us, we must try harder to find the truth in the verse.

I'm not one who grew up with the father who begot me. However, I lived next door to my grandfather until my mother remarried when I was five, and my grandfather, then my stepfather filled that place in my life. It was the best work-around possible in the 1950s, and I'm grateful to have had the experience. As a teen I lived with my begetting father, and that's probably when  I acquired a voice in my head that came from him. It was that voice I listened to when I had to choose between a flashy American van, and a modest Toyota wagon; I picked the Toyota, because that was the advice I 'heard' my father give.  

In 2024, I think this verse is more applicable to begetting fathers than it is to offspring. How can your child get that internal voice, if you aren't a part of their lives? 

This may be a hard word, for some, but I don't know any way around that. May the truth set us free, because the world/flesh/devil enslave us.

Peace be on your household.


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