Tiny Devotional for RED Friday, 05-03-2024

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family who might drop by, Remember Everyone Deployed.

She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her,
And happy are all who hold her fast.

Proverbs 3:18, NASB

The 'she' in this verse is Wisdom; this section of Proverbs speaks of the excellence found in Wisdom, and the happiness of those who find her.

With pine trees, there is about the same amount of tree below the ground as there is above the ground. I COULD have discovered that by asking, but instead I discovered it when I tried to dig up a Christmas tree for later transplanting. It took me three days, and I was covered with mud and blisters by the time I finished. It was not a successful project.  

However, having had that experience, I know know that one way to get through a windstorm is to grab a tree. I'm not speaking of forest giants, here; just trees maybe 10 feet tall, about the size of a big Christmas tree. 

Spiritual windstorms are a greater danger than literal windstorms:  financial problems; health issues; troubled relationships; a crisis of faith. You might be the target, or it might be family members, or perhaps close friends who seem to be under attack. Wisdom ALWAYS provides the answer; but note this: the verse says not only 'take hold;' it also says 'hold fast.' Taking hold of an answer is relatively easy; the true struggle is holding fast, when the same problem keeps coming back. That might happen because of circumstances, but more often, it's because of poor choices. 

Regardless, the conclusion remains the same: Take hold of Wisdom, and hold fast!

 Peace be on your household.


  1. Wise advice 🦄

  2. Take hold of Wisdom and hold fast, that's the best conclusion that we must do in our Christian life. Thanks my Brother Pat. God bless!


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