Tiny Devotional for Tuesday, 12-01-2020

A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped in, I forgot what I was going to tell you.

The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:
Proverbs 1:1, NASB
Smart queens dig wisdom.

Some time ago, just for a lark, I asked fellow regulars at a SF/fantasy-themed Internet diner to give me examples of some of their favorite first lines from books.  
The responses were GREAT! I might have to go back and look that up, just to get some more smiles. If I do, I’ll include some of the responses in the COMMENTS section.

First lines are IMPORTANT, and not something to be wasted. And that’s why I chose this verse for today’s Tiny Devotional.
Now, I’d LIKE to get fancy here, and tell you of some profound meaning I discovered in the Septuagint, or how the word order lends blah blah to the sitz im leben. But that’s bogus. The first line is clear: what it is, who wrote it, and why that’s important.

What it is: It’s wisdom, not data.  It doesn’t describe a snow flake; it uses snow to make a point about people. The book is about connections, between people, and their surroundings, and with God.

Who wrote it: Solomon. That’s also part of the answer to the next question, because even apart from this book, Solomon was known for wisdom.

Why it’s important: Solomon was the son of David, beloved of God, a king who stamped his heart on a nation so strongly that it lasted (approximately) 1000 years, was dispersed and persecuted for (approximately) 1900 years, then was re-established 72 years ago (May 14, 1948). 

Impressive credentials in that first verse, right?

Peace be on your household.


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