Tiny Devotional for RED Friday, 06-04-2021

A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, wear something RED to Remember Everyone Deployed.

For I give you good teaching;
Do not abandon my instruction.
Proverbs 4:2, NASB

“Teaching” and “instruction” have a particular flavor to me, because I just watched Kenneth and Alicia leave for their last day of ROTC camp. He’s 16, she’s 15; their lives are centered about receiving instruction. 
Yesterday, that took the form of an obstacle course using zip lines. I highly approve of learning that way!

What I don’t approve of is learning theory, theory, theory, without practice.  (Several decades of ever-changing methods of math instruction: I’m looking at YOU!)  
I want the instruction I provide my kids to be HIGHLY practical; the very first goal is quite simple:

It keeps them alive.

I didn’t go into the history of the internal combustion engine, or discuss the meaning of the phrase “all roads lead to Rome,” or even the frailty of human biology with my kids when they were small. I just told them “Don’t run out into the street;” and, on a couple of occasions, I had to supplement that by swatting a bottom.
And, fortunately for me and for them, that worked to prevent accidents. It was CLOSE a couple of times, though; parking lots are dangerous places for little guys.

However, you can’t think of enough things to tell your kid what not to do; they will eventually come up with something new. And, no matter how practical you THINK your words are, to the kids, it’s just more theory. 

Which leaves this:

The best, most practical teaching is the example we set; and the best time to teach is today.

Peace be on your household.


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