Tiny Devotional for Saturday, 08-07-2021
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, chicken breakfast with the Men’s Group.
For at the window of my house
I looked out through my lattice,
Proverbs 7:6, NASB
Behold, I shall conceal nothing from you: this is another fill-in-the-blanks selection. Even so, is there anything that I can learn from this?
(This is a creativity challenge: Hand someone a random object, and tell them to use that to talk about God. Or, just to describe that object for the next 10 minutes.)
Here’s the context of the verse: the wise father is advising his son how to avoid falling to temptation; specifically sexual temptation here, but it applies to all forms.
All we have in THIS verse is where the wise father is sitting. Shall we just consider that, then?
Number One: He’s not getting mixed up in what is happening on the street. He is observing from the safety and security of his house, and from HIS perspective, he can see more of what is going on than the person walking on the street.
Number Two: He is separated/protected from what is taking place on the street by more than just where he is sitting; he has a lattice in place. A lattice permits communication, it allows for ventilation; it keeps out burglars.
And here, O Best Beloved, are the take-aways:
1. You don’t have to mix up in things in order to understand them, as long as you are a careful observer.
2. Any time you can see danger, the danger can see you. SO, have something in place to keep it from getting your stuff, and getting YOU.
Peace be on your household.
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