Tiny Devotional for Sunday, 08-29-2021
A great good evening to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, kettle cooked chips are tasty.
But he who involves himself with prostitutes wastes his wealth.
Proverbs 29:3, NASB
I don’t know about you, but I NEVER heard about prostitutes in Sunday school. Rahab? She owned an inn! Because the church didn’t address this issue, little boys had to learn about it on the street, along with quantum mechanics and pandemic healthcare tips.
Question: is the wealth really wasted, if it’s the means of support for a woman, perhaps a woman with dependents? Prostitutes have to make a living, too, right?
Do you need your heart broken? If so, talk to someone who knows about the life of a sex worker. My only experience is attending the funeral of a stripper, but I know people who help women who have been prostituted get out of that life. Frankly, I wonder how they are able to keep doing their jobs, in the face of the evil they are fighting. I guess one way of saying it is that prostitutes don’t make a “living;” they make a “dying.”
I don’t know what the economics were at the time this proverb was written; perhaps back then the ONLY bad thing was a waste of wealth by a goofy son. That’s certainly not the case today. The money the goofy son spends today supports unbelievable violence, here and in other countries. It builds golden cages that strippers, like the one whose funeral I attended, get trapped in.
It’s so much better to love wisdom, isn’t it?
Peace be on your household.
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