Tiny Devotional for RED Friday, 09-09-2022
A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, Piper and Bailey bark hello.
Wisdom says:
And years of life will be added to you.
Proverbs 9:11, NASB
Did you know EYE VITAMINS are a thing?
On Tuesday, Dr. Singh suggested AREDS (for Age Related Eye Disease) vitamins to slow down the progression of my age-normal cataracts and macular degeneration. This morning, I added two a day to my medication dispenser.
(Achievement: UNLOCKED!)
I was a confirmed science fiction fan by age 10, so OF COURSE I wanted to live forever. There were so many planets for me to explore! So many girls to kiss! I needed a thousand years, at least!
Then I read about Tithonus, and the Struldbruggs in ‘Gulliver’s Travels.’ These had eternal life without eternal youth, a fate to be ENTHUSIASTICALLY avoided. It DID, however, clarify that what I really wanted was not just years, but years that mattered. And that helped me reject (eventually) the “Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse” lifestyle. That is a guarantee of a meaningless existence, as transitory as “tears in the rain.”
Wisdom has already added years to my life, and that’s good; but even better, my days are multiplied every time I invest in others:
- welcoming Kenneth to the family tradition of military service;
- pushing Nyle in the swing;
- greeting the new family in the subdivision;
- writing this blog post.
I’m in more places than I was, and that’s multiplication.
Peace be on your household.
EYE 👁 hear your ❤️