Tiny Devotional for Thursday, 09-15-2022

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, the dogs want more cookies.

A soothing tongue is a tree of life,
But perversion in it crushes the spirit.

Proverbs 15:4, NASB
Einsteins's Tongue

This is mostly a parenting topic, but not exclusively.

Here, ‘perversion’ doesn’t denote a sexual deviation; it means ‘twisting the truth.’ It’s contrasted with ‘soothing’ or ‘healing.’

It doesn’t say “a lying tongue,” although lies are twisting the truth. But, truth applied with malice is also perversion:

11 year-old Bubba comes home, delighted to have made a 98 on his science test. His father says “What happened to those other two points?”

Context is everything! If Bubba and his father have a good relationship, they both laugh and celebrate. But if the relationship is twisted, because the father is always finding fault, Bubba’s spirit is crushed. 

A soothing tongue is NOT always saying “there, there, it’s okay.” Can you get a tree of life from excusing and ignoring bad behavior? I think not. The tree of life flourishes when planted by streams of living water, which cleanse and nourish. Deceit is not a component of soothing!

Again, context is everything. We have recently folded two adult dogs from the pound into our family. So MUCH of their response to us depends on the context, particularly tone of voice. They DO recognize some words, but they are FAR more sensitive to the way I say things, my posture, and what I’m doing. 

Much like children.

In 16+ years as a school counselor, I desired, but never had, the following conversation with a parent:

“But that’s just the way I was raised!”

“Right. And look how you turned out. “

Peace be on your household.


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