Tiny Devotional for Sunday, 09-03-2023

 A great good morning to all my friends and neighbors in Internet Land! And to family members who have dropped by, the beans and cornbread are ready (and delicious).

Long life is in her right hand;
In her left hand are riches and honor.

Proverbs 3:16, NASB

She carries some pretty potent items!

I’m glad that this verse is about the Wise Woman, which is Wisdom personified. Today in small group at Liberty, I ratted out Vanessa for busting my chops every time I had to write something about the Woman of Folly. 

Again, I say: 

I’m not picking these verses! 

I just write whatever is next in sequence. I do it that way on purpose, because there is less chance of my opinion overcoming the message found in Proverbs. 

I appreciate both handfuls that Wisdom carries. 

Long life, without riches and honor, could just be a prison sentence. There’s a cautionary tale in a Greek legend about a certain Tithonus, who was gifted with eternal life, but not eternal youth. That’s the sort of predicament you get into when you deal with the idiot deities the Greeks talked about; you wind up being old and withered forever. 

That’s not the God we worship!

On the other hand, riches and honor without long life are a bit of a rip-off. There’s a Greek myth about that as well; Achilles chose a short and glorious life, instead of a long, boring one.

Is it POSSIBLE to get both? You betcha! You have to define your terms, though. If you dream of slaves feeding you grapes, you’ll be disappointed.
On the other hand, if you recognize glory and honor when your grandchildren greet you, it’s a slam dunk:


Peace be on your household.


  1. Indeed, like this statement of yours my Brother Pat, "Long life without riches and honor could just be a prison sentence"


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